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Mar 2016
I am in a hissy ***** mood
burning bridges killing fishes
breaking barriers
killing the carriers

Singing to the silents of wisdom
making secure our gains and recovering our losses
making it all good and proper
as I have some war to dish out

Oh come on what do you think
that a child made for war can not resist
I was programmed for battle
and really in any and all dark wars

The academy did train me
I was a straight A student
and I worked so hard
to be the ace of spades card

Oh mighty are the words
and death I fear not
for in your eyes if you look hard
you will find I am already dead

By Christos Andreas Kourtis aka NeonSolaris
Christos Andreas Kourtis
Written by
Christos Andreas Kourtis  London UK
(London UK)   
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