well, because bunnies don't come out eggs, do they now? that bunny is a thief! where did you get those eggs from? huh? he's running, a flock of angry birds flying after him; and i forgot my slingshot to smash those three piggies into smithereens (like in the folklore story: house of glass (hay), house of wood, house of stone).*
i never understood the tradition of easter, until now, i get all the sweets and treats and opulence at christmas... but the way easter is celebrated is quiet fascinating, chocolate eggs of a castrato, and the easter bunny must reflect the size of irish families and strict laws prohibiting contraception, listening to bbc 4 and this actress spoke of being 7th in the lineage of 11... eager bunnies all around and sweet choc testicles of a castrato... well, so i decided to celebrate it too... fasting... and walking around saying the word: barabbas... barabbas... it goes really well with all those gothic cathedrals adorned with gargoyles.