People expect too much from something that can go either way The road splits in two And maybe even 4 if your mind has the desire to take other routes Nobody ever finds true love It is built with our humanity It is built from nature It is built with joy And even though I don't say many serious things I know you don't know I know the things you never would've thought I knew But I do, and the gift isn't given, it is lived Before my smile, I had to walk miles in denial I am free from that now But I still have scars on my wrist And I know you can barely see, but I'm free And I know I don't make much sense to you, but that's why I write That's why I spend hours being mindful on life That's why I cry That's why I smile That's why I think about death That's why I think about surviving And accepting makes me fear less Enjoying makes me neglect less Showing enthusiasm makes me live the dreams I never seemed to reach even in my sleep I haven't posted on this website in a while I'm not really sorry, I just am Literally, just am People on Twitter won't get that part I'm talking about It's 1/4 passed 12 And this is me trying to write poetry Don't tell me what you think of this poem Just read And go on with the life that was given to you This Is Bitter Honesty