Welcome to Antelope Trails My Charter business that would prevail The slogan would read, “It’s a hop and skip service in getting you there, and our chartered rates that no one can compare” Antelope Trails who know the road We know the trails and are bold Follow our track record Satisfaction guaranteed But allow me to continue in proceed Antelope Trails has the Antelope as our trademark just like the hound for the hound But we are new and haven’t been around Antelope Trails that is always on the move Sit back and relax and watch us soothe We are a company that will be hard to forget You will be satisfied with no regrets Antelope Trails is ready to go, and the leader being the flow Go Antelope being a new company that brings hope We take care of the worries so you can cope So step on board and let us show you the way Enjoy your ride, as you might want to stay.