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Mar 2016
I love the way you sleep with me
  your body envelops me whole
     the way your arms hold me close
          you conform to the curves of my body
               soft nuzzles into my neck till you're content.

I love the way you sleep with me
   never a space between us always connected
     entangled in eachothers warmth
        heads side by side sharing a pillow
            our chests simultaneously rising falling with every breath.

               I kiss you wherever I can reach sometimes you kiss me back softly in your sleep
            hug your back hold you close and chase away bad dreams
         trace your face with my finger tips on engraving you in my mind
I love the way you sleep with me perfectly at ease.
Peter Pan
Written by
Peter Pan  New York to Alaska
(New York to Alaska)   
     Alaa, Lily Mae, Sarah and SPT
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