their fetish and subsequent addiction, with simple vocabulary - their fetish and subsequent addiction is to educate people with theories and diagrams and teach them a vocabulary which they later limit, censor, so they can write their nice, pretty pretty pretty poetry of limited vocabulary, and because their limited vocabulary they wish to limit the vocabulary of others, they want us all to be paupers by vocabulary standards of expression: say the nicest words, and say the nicest words all the time... you do that... and the fists emerge - and as you see, obstructing the free-flow of words creates restrictions in the experience of life, but hey! you have political correctness, otherwise known as status quo enforcers by the number, the great post-colonial abortion of connection with history, paradox of darwinism - sever connection with the 19th century, let's go straight back to the jungle and eating nits off each other's heads like sharing thoughts and ideas! what a debilitating decade we're living in; the oddity of bad grammar due to over-emotion (where typos evident).