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Mar 2016
Why do we
stumble through life
with eyes of ashes,
not questioning anything?

We are expected to
to simply sit on our hands
and smile.

Day by day,
our thoughts are
locked up and our mind
is held behind bars
with a key that no one
yet everyone

And inside the
crumbling cell we sit,
loosing what makes us unique,
instead of embracing them.

We don't want to be
the cloud
in a clear sky
that is glowing with stars.

We live in fear
that we might
somehow break the
bars our mind is trapped
within but yet
we so desperately
want to escape.

And so,
we stumble through life
with eyes of ashes,
not questioning anything.
ephemeral happiness
Written by
ephemeral happiness
   ---, - and Vanessa Gatley
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