[we live] these days eyes, raw ringed: mauve. dustcurtains. lung-still and dry
cover gasping- fingers sanded down, dusted away to later be inlaid with something else. grappling clever- broken bird feet. the gaping is wide enough down here even for you
wanting to be a victim of something good- lapping up *** of(f) belly hair entangled.
as every human speck fights for selfpreservation- without clairvoyance or beauty. as the mud pumps. as carmen plays. as we die again in less than convenient specificities.
we will be replaced.
like furniture.
and those who seek to optimize everything right down the efficiency of shampoo in the shower- will leave with nothing more than a clean head of hair
to fall from these, slowly or quicker than that- depending on the mood of it. and things like cancer.
and when the chemicals find you laying there alone. and sleepy they will know to carry you outside into the yard. where the grass is waiting and the road is waiting and the rain. and the sound of cars. and of trees.
big-*******-trees. roots gnarled meanly into the dark.rotty droppings of their boughs. cold. mighty- dragging their bruisey knuckles against the dirt trees with ghosts bigger than your thumbnails. older than the grossest things in your waste-basket. tree-er than tree.
and when the car swerves and hits i will be there.
sinking with you into the the reservoir doors closed. belted. and good