Since I was very young, I had a colorful mind. Shapes, numbers, letters, sounds, memories have colors and personalities. Triangle, 4, 7, and C are all light green, 9 is an evil wizard who turns numbers into 1 less that they want to be, while 10 is the good wizard who will make any little number a teen. Yada yada. My mom would say, "Don't do it like that, just--just do the math!" And I would say, "Okay" but the stories would replay in my head still replay in my head. "Mom, do you remember that wedding we went to?" "Yes" "That's orange now" "Hmm?" "It's been a while, so the memory turned orange" "Ahhh, that's nice honey". I grew up trying to figure out what I was an alien? an angel? a monster? just weird? I now know that I have S-Y-N-E-S-T-H-E-S-I-A that's black yellow yellow orange black brown red orange black white red or 0 - - 3 0 10 8 3 0 1 8
something I have never shared before, and learned only a few months ago