indeed the english do not trill their r but simply curl it (a bit like having a lollipop stuck in your mouth and saying something) - certain feats of elocution can't be taught, they're a bit like working out on your forearm muscles in the gym, and indeed the tongue can be the cynical muscle defying a methodology of weaving in a chameleon presence into a host society.*
and do you know what hell i had trying to teach one of my cats to **** into the toilet and take a **** on the tiles? a shout when she did both on the tiles and then petting her and ushering in soothing words while she did no. 1 into the toilet and no. 2 on the tiles... i mean **** i can pick up off the tiles, bleach the area and forget, cleaning both **** and **** off the tiles made my gag, at least human excrement can suggest it's sweet, and we're all solipsists liking our own stinks - sound proof - take your **** into a public place and the theory will stand about 2000 years that you'll be the sole appreciator of your own stink - and that memory of me being a kid, i used to do the same, take a **** on the bathroom tiles, and when i finally started using the toilet at first i was actually perching on it / crouching on as opposed to sitting on... mind you i did suffer from a hernia when i was a toddler... what's hernia? well, the mighty internet is here, check it out.