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John R Mayo
Mar 2016
Love Story
**** a love story
Let me tell you a true one
A flesh and blood story
That might get a bit gruesome
So a boy meets a girl
The way a brain meets a bullet
She's got her finger on the trigger
As he begs her not to pull it
She answers every text
And laughs at every joke
He drinks it all in
Until he's ready to choke
So he says it, "I Love You"
And she doesn't respond
He starts waving the white flag
Wishing instead for a wand
He says "forget it, we're friends"
She breathes a sigh of relief
While with everything he has
He hides his signs of defeat
He acts like everything's normal
She thinks that everything is
But underneath, he's a wreck
He cannot settle for this
So he tells her again
And then cries her a lake
When she says it would be best
If they took a little break
So a couple of months pass
As he tries to forget her
With every one of the blunts passed
He wishes he'd never met her
One day she calls him and says "hey
I've missed you, let's catch up"
He thinks her mind's changed
But, she just wants to get lunch
So a couple of months pass
And it seems like nothing changed
Because for her nothing has
And for him it's the same
She looks at him with those eyes
And so again he tries his luck
The noose in her smile
Tightens and ties him up
He runs home wishing
That he'd never have lived
Love was his only ambition
Life should be better than this
So what's the point in living it?
He thinks, as he chambers a bullet
One finger on the trigger
As he begs himself to pull it
The cold steel touches his lips
The way that he wishes hers had
He pulls the hammer, it clicks
Only one way to reverse that.
He puts the gun down
As he picks up a razor
And carves into his arms
All of the ways that he hates her.
Written by
John R Mayo
Upstate NY
(Upstate NY)
Chase Anthony
strawberry fields
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