oh wait wait... here comes the holy man, i'm about to be resurrected! i thought an ideal life with man synchronised with would do... instead i was told: favour the resurrection miracle instead of an a economic policy! or get employed by the church.
i really meant *hey Daisy! far from bouquet and **** full into marriage; we can't be friends... no point abusing me for worth of censorship, dude, come on; you were never going to be radical or cool or romanian! your obd f siu..... hs... your algoym is acting funny in rms fo spelling; your... i can't be bo the red; you're all nazis to me anyway; your digital detox and diet of vocabulary are all the same, death camps ensue: hey i got given the menegele treatment: they were 6 million poles... boorish *****, watershedhour of typing to keep t.s. elliot alive for conversation.