A poem I admire looks me at my face like that bold girl I fell in love with and ask questions others won't dare ask-- on existence, life in our times and planet, sides I've taken on issues that concern all of us. A gripping poem, keeps on reminding me on puzzles and problems, that plague us from all four sides. This poem chides me for the matters I keep hidden, as I am, not ready to face it; drive out my fears from their hiding places, and tell them to behave. A poem I realize is power packed in the center of each word and image, metaphors that be, rather than speak aloud, love reduced to equations of words and silences nesting in between. A poem transfuses in to one's blood stream and turns the heart a flower of sweet scents, ready to bloom in any season. This poem vanishes in to my cells becoming a sun , my source of pleasure, a creative force. In my dreams poetry is a comely maiden dancing rapturously on the shores of time, elevating mind to the heights of ecstasy.