The warmth in your kiss is lost. I thought maybe just maybe.. I could trust you again when I allowed that kiss. Which lead to more than I entended. Oh God, neither of us have regret, yet, you feel guilt. "I love you, but you deserve better." How my heart suddenly ached as I realized the words you spoke to be true. All this time I wanted it to be you. Almost two years.. Heartache and tears. The gradual loss of heat I felt in your lips didn't prepare me for this. Each lie and I felt a breeze between exchanging tongues. Then your cold lips. How I tried to keep the warmth. I reached and I reached.. By the water was too deep. I was beginning to drown. Even so.. I kept going until the blood in me almost stopped flowing as a friend pulled me out. How could I ever forget your cold lips? The lips that I miss.
I've heard you can miss something or someone and not want it. Maybe that's why I miss you and your lips. Just everything about you. But you hurt me so many times and I need to get over it. For my own sake.