There’s more beneath the surface Than there appears to be And we’re working at cross-purposes If we fail to see Some secrets really hurt us And while that well may be What we need to do to unravel ‘em Remains the mystery
The company asserts the right To have it’s privacy The government gets uptight And says while that well may be We need you to break the code So we can look and see What’s encrypted on that phone So please give us the key
We’re trying to do our very best To fill in the blanks But we need your help nevertheless And you’re telling us no thanks It’s a mater of extreme importance You see your nation banks On discovering the information therein And now we’re closing ranks
We’ll take it all the way if we havta Straight to the Supreme Court We’re trying to avoid a future disaster Like the deceased terrorist wrought So we’re humbly asking you to do this But you’re saying you’re not Your right to free speech is acknowledge Though your cooperation’s sought