oh yes, I remember when I was just a lad, I was really quite bad. I remember this one fall, I drove my parents up the wall.
Up in the air the conversation flew, And to annoy them more I answered with a "mew". As I climbed the stairs and up into my room, I slammed the door with a loud 'boom!'.
I stomped so loud on the floor, And thought "oh, what a boor!'. And up the stairs my parents sprung, Their nattering in my ears rung.
I kicked and lashed out, not knowing what would happen next, As I looked down, I thought I was hexed! For if you stomp and kick, You will be changed quite a bit...
Long grey ears grew high above my head, "Help, help me!" I plead. Hooves grew down to the floor, And I gasped as I saw...
The little boy was no more. Frantically I looked to my parents who said, "I thought this would happen, I guess you need a new bed."
Now the boy is no more, My parents bought a farm with a large moor. And I help out more now, As my job is pulling a plough!