Not a town or city Not a place of pity Not a place you can travel by car, train or bus An eternal home A place of rejoicing that I was meant to roam I hear echoes of Angels singing in the distance It’s Heavens home I am talking about
Time has swiftly counted on I have been summoned and Heaven is where I belong I will be leaving this Earth A place that was already reserved during my birth Only true believers being chosen get this honor Tears of joy run down my face Oh Heaven such an interesting place My name is still on the list and not erased
I am a weary old man My Grandmother said before she died, I want to take you with me, but it’s not your time then she said, she will be waiting Wait no more I am ready for sure The Lord has spoken and I have achieved the Heavenly score My praises grew louder I couldn’t be anymore prouder
Heaven seemed far off through the years But Heaven taught me I would preserver My heart and soul is thankful The message I would leave, keep believing, and hope being our king But just one more thing, come together and help one another and don’t wait for the other My white robe is on, and I am ready for the journey This is not goodbye, but until we meet again This is not the end My eternity in my soul being lifted up, and to the Earth below in spirit of behold.