Every poem a foundling. Ancestry uncertain. Cuckoo. Kidnapped. Each line liberated from a huge, noisy foul. Taken not stolen. Don't put all your words in one. Task it to be new. Almost bought organic bananas yesterday like some kind of millionaire. Some of the best times of my life have no photographic evidence. I often wonder where my thoughts come from. Perhaps Uranus. Date a girl with small hands.. Everything will look bigger next to them. Get to the point. My medication is starting to wear off..... Karaoke, because being an obnoxious drunk isn't embarrassing enough. If I am the man of your dreams, my condolences. Stupid is. It's all fun and fiction until you show up missing. Internet romance. My thighs are looking awfully lonely without you between them. You've spent an entire day creating the ultimate sheep pun, but have you ever considered the ramifications? Disordered thoughts. Die a quick and painless death: the new American Dream. Lonely kills. All I need is just a little cherishing. Comeuppance. Cherish is the word. Listen, karma is the *****. I am simply her occasional instrument. Meaning becomes data becomes information becomes content becomes meaningless. Writer creates order. Otherwise only words in a row. Whole more than parts. Big bird tweets often. Means nothing. Vacancy. Disappear into void. Shout out the words you don't understand. Leave them to the poet's hand.