by this i mean my body is a switchblade. a hornets nest. the barrel of a warm gun.
i mean my heart is a still born.
i mean my teeth know too much of bubblegum and cotton candy. i mean they think me sweet.
i mean they think me bird feather. i mean they should think me dead bird’s guts splayed out like the crucifixion. i mean thats just who i am.
i mean indifference is a reluctant symphony pounding in my chest. my heartbeat is a cacophony of orchestra and crashing symbols and the conductor just doesn’t care.
i mean there is no glimmer about me. no glamour, no glitter. i mean i am just a collection of rust.
i mean my hands are cracked, calloused. the truth is a fickle thing and i’ve never learned how to get away with ******. so i hide behind the other side of unrequited. i reference it in poems, pray no one will kick my feet out from beneath me.
i mean i’ve gotten good at this game. this cat and mouse. this ‘******* it why don’t you care?’ this 'you’re a real handful.’ this 'you’re pretty but you’re a *****.’
i mean i’ve never held love and by this i mean i’ve always dropped it.