I have learned, years ago, to work quite hard to make the proper changes in myself. I may not be the greatest at my trade The handsomest of Faces However, I believe I have worked quite well for what I am. An equal seller on Life's Library Book Shelf. I might have been a lose and broken man before. Not this time. I've broken the circle of being the "repeater" and I have blossomed once more. I change for the better of my own life becoming brighter. To repay kindness of those who always believed in the real me. People who never hung on to what "Bad" I used to bring onto the table. A more delicious and brighter dinner for those who have supported and have clearly waited for me to set myself free. Free from worries about who shall accept me or what status quota I shall fit ,amusing. Myself as an actor portraying some one other than who I truly am. A comedian who brought down his own house of cards by becoming the laughing stock of the Drunken Clowns. I rose up upon life's stages and became a truer actor. One who is the truer artist by appreciating those who enjoyed his "Newest of Magic tricks." "****!" I metamorphosed into a dove. I fly away,now, to a glowing life which fits me like a hand in a glove.