Alone he sits in an empty pew Enveloped in the silence of his mind Old aged wood creeks and echoes through the sanctuary As he drops to his knees The only light is a sliver of sunshine cascading through the stained glass portrait of a savior Creating an almost heavenly glow, illuminating the hope buried deep in his soul. He begins to pray but is interrupted by the devious acts that plague his past Haunted by decisions Marked for eternity by the path he has chosen to travel Memories and regret flood his heart How can he be forgiven by his creator if he cannot forgive himself? Blinded by guilt that has ridden havoc on his physical body and his spiritual soul A small whisper tickles his ear So faint, so soft Like a lullaby sung to a small child Where does it come from? What is the source of its existence? He recognizes the melody but can't remember the words. An hypnotizing tune that drew him to this very place Faith, however faint and tiny Fleeting breeze it may seem Has taken root long ago It grows and replays its tune like a broken record Beckoning to the listener Pulling at the fiber of his very being This man is humanity itself And faith need only a single note to become a glorious symphony and lead him to the answers and forgiveness he so seeks.