I always seem to cry when I'm happy or sad. I cry in the night with no one to hear or see my tears The beautiful dark blue dreamy sky hears The very majestic moon hears Crying is my yell Crying is my voiceΒ Β Perhaps I cry because I feel a tad bit out of control? But of my own life? How can that be so? I don't know, so I cry I like to cry for the world at times, it gives me a sense of security for the world I cry because the world needs healing I cry because the world needs feeling I am in pain because I cry I cry because I am in pain I cry for the absence of a true love A love that you wouldn't believed exists until you deal with a deep death Crying can relief you Crying can clear your vision Crying can seek you to a better path, it is like how the world becomes so different after rainy rough day