I catch the wind as it sings, the air slides off so smoothly as it licks me clean I am the essence of the prolonged flight a necessary piece of this biological schema or meme
Viewed from below, the sky caresses my form fractal in its simple, yet non-single shadow swarm Hunting in the perfect performance; I must scream: THIS IS LIFES’ ****
Suddenly I am separated in somewhat sinful schism I drift apart from the forlorn form of what was once my prism I miss that system...It was my home not my iron-clad prison
….but apart after the start....If I am part of the parts........... ….how shall I help my whole being... ….complete it’s functional syllogism with heart?
Falling so slowly, Mother sky please excuse me At this junction I must depart In conclusion I bid you adieu from my heart of hearts.... ============================================until I am Picked up by a man imbued with spirit, He holds the eagles medicine now firmly in his hand. Distinct in shape and my weight helps him to understand.....
….his brother in the sky the being way up high the one who is watching far away but nearby....
I now know my function, though I lost sight for a while I can help teach him to fly, out of his body and into the cry of the eagle that soars with him now, A brother in arms================= a lover of ours, now with a friend on his brow, helping fulfill a spiritual how.