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Feb 2016
I refuse to be likened to every teenage girl out there.
To be confined in a box with a million other confused
Minds which lack personality,and are easily swayed by society.
Who said society is always right?
Who said being a little different is wrong?
So what if I'm homosexual and society condemns me,
So what if i drop out of school at fifteen and the society
Predicts a poor and unsuccessful life for me.
So what if i like dressing like a boy and video games too.
So what if my eye make up is too dark and THEY calmly say
              "Honey you look hideous"
So what if am overweight,it doesn't make me less human.
So what if i can't cook,
So what if i cant knit,
So what if i don't meet your expectations.
After all.
I am.
My own person.
Written by
chikondi mandala  zimbabwe
   Daniel Jacha and Jesica
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