There's something beyond You perfectly balanced body Beautifully curving lips And those kind eyes Indeed There is something beyond Your well trained abbs Your arms that invite an embrace And perfectly shaped strong posture
There's something beyond The way you look That makes me want to Peel your clothes off And run my tongue All over all of you It's not the cylindrical shape That according to statistics In my animal brain Should be as impressive as you
That's not it However pleasurable it might be But there is something within you That makes me want to Test your limits In the kindest and softest way To explore your body And hopefully impress you too It is within my ***** mind Where I realise all the things I'd love to do on to you
On to you On top of you Below you On my knees On your knees On my hands and knees
You get the picture
And then kick you out of bed with bite marks on your ***.