Does anything that anyone does even matter Sure I've got religion but it feels like it doesn't apply because on some level I have a knowledge that I'll be alright but then there's this other level that likes throwing very speedy and illegal curve ***** from around the corner of existence and I'll be fine one minute and crying the next and I've been called childish for that (I resent that alex keene) but I am We all are Humans are too fragile to be allowed emotion to be allowed relationships with other people Like I can't take care of someone else's stability, do I look like I have my life together? That's why trusting is so difficult because to me real trust is knowing you can complain to someone without feeling annoying and knowing they'll listen and not judge you and actually care what you say But all of this is going into the void anyway and no one will read it so does it matter Does anything matter, we're back here again nothing matters nothing matters nothing My brain quite legitimately reminds me of this and that's not pretentious poetry BS
I wish my head would turn off and go to sleep and then maybe I wouldn't have racoon eyes and my mom would stop complaining about my sour disposition