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Feb 2016
'Even though i know i'm a dead man...i'm worried i'll miss her...the years i have spent with her have been pure magic...she has always stood by me no matter what..she's the sole reason for my happiness..and to see her in tears now doesn't feel good...and no matter how much science might have advanced..i realize that after a certain point we are all helpless in front of God's will...we have no choice but to accept as i'm standing on the brink of death and preparing to exit this world...i can't help but think of how we met and eventually fell for one another...she a a scientist..the two don't usually go together..but there are always exceptions..and we we were definitely one of them...she fell for my honesty..i fell for the fantasy world she created through her words....She completed me from every aspect of my life.So my dear i lie on my death-bed i just want to tell you that i love you,admire you and respect you...always keep writing,stay strong and never give up...and whenever you miss me just look up in the night sky...i will be out there among the constellations shining my love upon you...i will always be with you..even when i'm not there.'
Inspired from a line in the movie 'Transcendence.'
Sk Abdul Aziz
Written by
Sk Abdul Aziz
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