When your body shoots an earthquake through mine You ask if I have daddy problems I guess I am weaker than what you are used to I have been the trigger on this gun Playing Russian roulette with my own mind Trying to keep a steady hand But holding on so tightly That the muscles in my wrist are plucked out One by one, like strings on a guitar See, you are used to ******* Pretty girls with scars carved on their chests Not on their faces Either way It is wood all the same. I don't answer your question I merely make my body stiffer Fearful that my own instincts Might burn a hole in your skin I have no safety on what I went through when I was younger Between the bullets of my father's mistakes And the abundant ammunition of the taste Of my older cousin's skin My body is now my weapon of choice After being someone else's hostage **** me back into your favorite position And I will fire Isn't it funny how my body becomes a gun again? I work perfectly Until the recoil knocks me to my knees Before somebody new I never knew shooting myself could make me numb I always felt everything Do I feel alive again? I seem to keep missing my target So I start to rethink my mission What am I shooting for?