Poetry, like bread is best warmed, spread thick with metaphoric jam and eaten with sticky fingers. ~~~ Poetry, like bread is the toasty language of the wind whirling through trees, or a rill rolling over smooth rocks on a Spring-like day. ~~~ Poetry, like bread is the language of a girl and boy, young lovers playing hide and seek, both wanting, needing to be found. ~~~ Poetry, like bread feeds us our humanity the way two lovers explore each other with warm, laughing fingers slowly exciting goose bump sighing skin. ~~~ Poetry, like bread is laying with you all night long.
~~Aztec Warrior/redzone 2.13.14
Note: “Poetry, like Bread is an anthology of poetry, edited by Martin Espada. It is also a line of poetry in this book by the poet Roque Dalton. The poem is entitled: “Like You” and the whole sentence is” “I believe the world is beautiful and poetry, like bread is for everyone.” The title of this anthology is: “Poetry like Bread, Poets of the Political Imagination” published by Curbstone Press. I highly recommend this book of poetry and hope that my use of these words does justice to the original meaning of this line.
Wrote this poem 2 years ago now using my other pen name 'redzone'. it is also posted at WC... thanks for reading