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Feb 2016
I have 17 rounds for my thirty aught six, and
a five gallon barrel of kerosene. 
My Papaw would have said,
"you're set son," but
I bet he never counted on
all of our best Uber drivers
sliding off the side of Signal Mountain.
Who knew suede shoes weren't weather proof?
We used to pray for a way to make it through
one more unbearable winter.
Now we pray that the power stays on so that
we don't have to burn coal oil and
experience that unpleasant odor.
Praise be for The Tennessee - American Water company.
That's where water was invented.
For much of the "settled" history of the region, The Tennessee-American Water Company was privately owned. Think about that. One family "owned" the water necessary for the survival of literally hundreds of thousands of people. When the city of Chattanooga finally decided to intervene in 2007, conservative groups from all over the country came to the city to protest. "How dare the government interfere with free market economics," the cries went out... This despite the fact that the entire notion of free market economics is predicated on competition and, to my knowledge, there were no mom-and-pop water companies around to offer consumers a choice.

The protests abruptly stopped when people got their first water bill from the newly reformed company and it was 35% lower than they'd been paying.
Busbar Dancer
Written by
Busbar Dancer
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