Some say life is a mystery waiting to be solved But why search for answers when the human race won't evolve We walk the streets hearing gun shots day by day And now the park is no place for a child to play We can't resolve our issues like civilized beings And no matter how high the problem gets it just seems like we're stuck on endless mountains skiing There are too many people shooting stars without any care Leaving a sea of lifeless rose petals here and there How can this world move on when everyone else dies out It's like we're all itsy bitsy spiders that can't make it up the spout We live in a world filled with despair, hope and violence And there are too many people sitting quiet with their voices being silenced We all need to stop and come together as one nation Move on higher to new places and make heaven our new destination The time is just elapsing before we see the revelation You better choose your path Heaven or Hell, which path will you be on after the segregation?