My feelings are true They are my life's blood spring but irrelevant.
Couplets and quatrains or free form self indulgence It's my time to waste
Five- seven- five lines stacked to challenge my ego poor pedestrian.
Here I go again my ink is not innocent my soul is tainted
Why do we do it? What is there to gain from this? What is the **** point?
I undress my self, and Adonis, I am not! better look away
This is what it's like to expose myself and dare to pretend it's art.
I feel the urge to apologize for this piece. I'm not quite sure why. Perhaps I feel like it's classic self indulgence on my part. Here it is though. I have to post them all as they come. It was inspired by a stranger who said, "Your feelings are irrelevant." It was a random declaration on a forum..It made me write this.