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Jan 2016
Leading someone on was the leading cause of depression
I'm not saying this applies to everyone but it does to me
So listen up because otherwise what I do will come off as harsh

I'd classify myself as a gamer but the mind is something I'd never play with
If I get the slightest feeling something might not work
I'll change it

Get to know me while you can because when you're gone
You're gone
There will always be a next and thats something I'll never forget

Take the chance while you have it because it's not given to a lot
If you can't find it then keep trying
It might not be here tomarrow

I'm telling you this because I've experienced my fair share of depression
I'd rather not go down that hole again
So I'm sorry If what I do comes off as harsh

I've realized that if I want to care for some one else
I need to care for myself
So I'll go ahead and take care of that before I take care of you
Written by
Mikoarenas  Portland, Oregon
(Portland, Oregon)   
   Tia White, ej and AidaDonn
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