I know the negative stuff people say about me I sleep around I am too emotional I'm fat I post too much on social media I am an attention ***** I'm annoying I'm fake I'm too emo I'm immature My front teeth look like double doors kicked in I dye my hair too much I repeat outfits I wear the same t-shirt a lot I'm white trash I'm a drama starter My taste in music ***** I'm too poor My poetry stinks My head is too far up in the clouds I'm worthless I play victim too much My acne makes my face look like it is covered in pepperoni's I should go **** myself I have been called every name in the book I have been attacked verbally in every way possible I'm called names through social media I'm called names to my face and behind my back People are going to talk no matter what I do Does it hurt my feelings? Hell yes it does! The only way these people and their mean comments have any power over me is if I allow them to have power over me I am a human being with feelings that get hurt sometimes I am also a human being who is strong and knows better than to let foolish people, some who have never even met me personally, to have any kind of negative affect on my life I am well aware of what people say about me I am also aware of all of the people in my life who love me The ones who love me are the ones worth worrying about Not the haters
WRITTEN BY: Mandie Michelle Sanders WRITTEN ON: January. 26, 2016 Tuesday 6:32 AM