Bitter or better It’s my choice you see I’ve been bitter so long But where’d that get me It didn’t make me happy I have to confess So I’m trying to be better I’m doing my best
Bitter or better Is a matter of choice And I’ve made mine So I’m raising my voice Bitter always left me With eyes that were moist So I’m opting for better As an alternate choice
Bitter or better Take it from me You can choose which one You wanna be Maybe you can’t forget But can you forgive Because being bitter Ain't no way to live
Bitter or better Is a matter of choice And I’ve made mine So I’m raising my voice Bitter always left me With eyes that were moist So I’m opting for better As an alternate choice
Bitter or better Are alternate states Bitter can have you carrying weights Better wins hands down in debates And it doesn’t require as many crates
Bitter or better Is a matter of choice And I’ve made mine So I’m raising my voice Bitter always left me With eyes that were moist So I’m opting for better As an alternate choice
Bitter or better As the case might be Which one do you choose You know about me It’s your decision So which it will be Is it gonna be the devil Or the deep blue sea
Bitter or better Is a matter of choice And I’ve made mine So I’m raising my voice Bitter always left me With eyes that were moist So I’m opting for better As an alternate choice
Cedric McClester, Copyright (c) 2016. All rights reserved.