Quote: "when I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left and could say: I used everything you gave me"
Only in my dreams Do I encounter Branches with real pearls Rolling down In a spring breeze
From the depth Of my gut I wish to make it real To build it up From whatever meets My expectation
But then I wonder If I make this How real will it be? It was not created By the vast evolution We have been subjected to
or was it perhaps the fact that I'm creating it, is evolution in it's own right*
Overthinking my creative process Killjoy. I could draw it And I did. It was beautiful Exactly like in my dream
I could build it from A real branch Attach pearls to it But then would it not be Totally kitch
Bah- kitch!
I could make it from clay Yeah. No. I could sing it's perfection Maybe it sounds like A high note Or the piano... Can't play the piano. Can sing though...
Maybe! I could wait for spring And take a picture Of raindrops on tree branches But it's not the same! Putting away my Nikon.
Maybe I'll write a poem About having all the talent in the world And not being able To express my own imagination.