Greater than signs really do grow into alligators and feast on their prey. Telling my Algebra II teacher this won’t get me out of doing my assignment. I swear, they change every time she turns away. I attempt to keep my eyes down as I’m avoiding scaly beasts and impossible math problems and instead fix my eyes on the clock. It is even more complex than complex conjugates. Every second is assigned to each minute and I’m assigned to do problem number one on the board. The seconds travel down the spiral staircase taking two, maybe three steps at a time. Take a step back and countdown from ten But that doesn’t stop each second from dwindling down. Sometimes years even jump the entire staircase. Irrational numbers, decimals and pauses in the beeps of the machine, Long division, long sigh. Then the scatter-plot line graph exponentially decreases And goes flat. Feet tapping to unknown time signatures in the waiting room, One tear making its way down my cheek. Plus another. seventy thoughts per second but you were going eighty when your face subtracted the dotted line from the interstate. Now I bury the remainders. I tried to count everything but was disappointed to know that I can’t count even a fraction of anything. Blame it on my dead calculator, erase my incorrect, hard work and start over. “Will someone help her with problem number one?” They sigh, their annoyance multiplies. This is why I got a C in Algebra II.