As I leave this world; And enter another I must first crossover the river of death The River Styx they call it A ferryman stands idly by; Waiting for new souls, lost souls To guide across I approach this guide, with hopes that he will guide me across Into new light Or maybe he will guide me somewhere else A place that’s only purpose is to provide fright Onwards we go And as I look down into the cold river I see lost souls, their purpose only to find their way But alas they are trapped In a realm in between ours Not quite at peace, but not in agony either Maybe they will find what they seek one day And as the ferryman helps me cross over these souls I can only hope that I do not end up in their same predicament As I grow closer to my destination I can see the light And soon we will cross over into the grand unknown Maybe I will finally know peace Maybe I will finally have a home The Ferryman had other plans though For he tipped over the boat, leaving me in the icy cold grip of the river Now I am forever lost, among the other lost souls My journey is now over The river is now my home I succumb to the darkness My only purpose now is to forever roam It’s funny how I once pitied the souls; Lost to this river Now I am one, gone without a sliver; Of hope, my body, now cold and forgotten I forever serve my punishment Simply because my heart was rotten