within my guts, perhaps there is no longer slivers of withdrawal, of doubt, but i can only wonder why i keep envisioning my ****** gums, stained like smashed cherries. i know i love you, but you are now the static pieces of glass in my palms and i must be patient, but it is sinking on the back of my tongue, and i am attempting not to choke, not to swallow so my insides are not shredded. i would shred my skin and take my veins, tie it together into bows, or boy scout knots, if i knew i could curve your lips. i would hang the veins inside your room, connecting bits and pieces of my eyelashes, if if if i knew it would lift you up from tomorrow. but i am not the girl who can tear herself in and out, because my bits have gone already.
i know i love you, but i am so tired. so tired. so tired. i can't blame you, i can't bite your cheeks until it sits like butterflies in your spine.