the world is just not romantic enough for me which is why i must constantly turn it to poetry
i want more love more passion more empathy more romance and more wine i want to dance with the divine until the end of time and seize this wondrous moment of mine
i want people dancing in the streets under a spotlight made of moonlight
i want birds singing me awake every day after dreaming of sensual delights all night
i want strangers laughing & holding hands just because they are headed in the same direction
i want beggars on the streets to have their pockets filled because people just won't stop giving and so maybe they can ask for real change instead
i want tears falling from blissful eyes and kindness used a s a currency
i want laughter to be the music we make and music that is always playing the notes we need to feel in the background of all our experiences transmitting from stars that children whisper wishes to at night
i want hands clapping for all the lovers high above and for all the heartbroken who were crushed by love
i want cups raised for the riskers and tryers the fallen and the flyers, for the chance takers, and the luck makers, and for those who just brighten up the night with their own righteous light
i want all the wine to be drank all of the time and i want nothing left to wear but nakedness
i want our eyes to only see through passion & compassion coloured glasses and our own skin seen and worn as the most beautiful of fashions
i want everyone to be in a love affair with nature & with themselves