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Jan 2016
It wasn't supposed to the sun and the clouds
Our world wasn't supposed to be a sky blue
It was supposed to be me and you

You could've been my moon
And I could have been your stars
Our world was supposed to be a midnight blue
But it's no longer me and you

Because your smile was the sun
That lit up the day
You're a boy who's so bright

But I need a man who will be the light when my world is dark
Who will see that when all the stars combined they were bigger than him

But I will need a man who will stand by me and show I'm not the only one in the sky
Someone who sees me as a masterpiece
Instead of irrelevant white, burning fires

I know that one day you'll make a girl incredibly happy
But that girl is not me

Because you are the boy that sees the light in everything
I am the girl who sees the moon, the stars, the dark, and the soul
And I need a man who can stargaze with me
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