what is it even worth to have friends when its like a scale that is a weight on both hands. it seems like you have to have the morals of pure ideas that make your every choice. when u get ****** into a life where all you have lost. when u chose to go out with your friends you have thrown away your family losing conections that throw away the love you never wanted to throw away.
the choices i have fallen victim to has changed me down deep in side. there are so many regrets i wish i could take back.
friends have made life fun but it takes away tho heart of love.
have you just wanted to just disconect and erase your identity and just start over.
my life is so insane that i am so worn out that i dont know how i can keep going or i should quit trying and drift with the crowd to see where i end up.
the friends that are good leave behind a positive impact but the ones who **** up your time your life leave the negitivity that spinns out of control like a vinal record that skips endlessly.
can you escape or drown and lose your self in all the ******* ******* of self hate.
its a weight that spinns out of control when u lose your grip and end up some where u cant escape like a closet that just leaves the huanted image of who you really became when u gave into a new group of friends.