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Jan 2016
I could see fragility in her eyes I had never seen there before
For my friend always smiles, always has counsel for others, always there, even when she is hurt this is different, painful too see
Too try to explain that look in any child’s eyes would be almost impossible
Lost, empty, fearful, distraught
Seeing it in a grown woman’s face was no different.
Week by week I see her face
It counts down in anguish, like a clock
Irony some call our faces clocks!
But I swear it counts down with each view, the sadness weighs the skin, and the eyes try to hide the hurt
Not detracting from her beauty, oh no
At fifty she still has the looks of a woman a decade younger, at least, and the body to complement that, but her voice is her jewel
Listening to her sing has brought laughter and tears to many, but, I digress
I can't help the one who helps everyone else
The one who always does her bit and more and more often for the unappreciative
I just listen
To watch one you love leave this world is agony
To watch a parent, unimaginable, slow and heartbreaking
The fragility in those eyes is love in its entire splendor
The tears for a man who only ever gave, she was one of his greatest gifts
Soon he will leave and leave behind a precious heart
One of the kindest I have ever known
But those eyes I don't think will ever be the same
But look closely for another star will twinkle in them
That light carries on
Micheal Wolf
Written by
Micheal Wolf  On the edge of reason, UK
(On the edge of reason, UK)   
   victoria and Ugo
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