An impatient one wished to find the Christmas spirit sure she was early but its Christmas she decided The best place would be on the richer side of town to get their she drives through moderate Neighbor hoods she saw some evidence a few trees in the windows what an invite your eyes take in the Flow from the glowing star until the window sill cuts off your vision but in the brief view you have Looked Upon the treasure of a family those lights will reflect in the eyes of each family member the Presents are the outward view of the inward hearts love and care to offer what they hope will give that Precious Dazzle that spark that will leap to joyful pleasure that will carry through future days and Distance the Wife seems a little sad with a faraway look about her yes the husband and father of the Children is giving the greatest gift he is living it out in harrowing dangers day by day that we and others Can enjoy Freedom by the warrior’s creed he sows the seed that will grow in richest soil from tender Plants all children and parents can go about this world being confirmed as individuals with rights that Supersede the desires of a wicked few that would enslave and devalue their fellow man they raise their Hand against dreamers and people that by their doing would enrich them far greater than the penury That comes from the efforts of slaves so homes not only in America but NATO troops fill the ranks to Assist and thwart the evil that would deprive others of the very thing they seek a better life so the Seeker continues on into the night and to where she is sure the elusive spirit will be found in so doing She passes a nursing home the mercy stations the outpost at eternity’s door with little pay no Recognition they enter the sad world of the mostly forgotten a battle that has only one outcome the Loss of another precious human being one who in past days carried the burdens of the young and the Older by their struggles they were the fighters the wage earners their bodies passed out of the central Key emplacements to all kinds of successes but not their accomplishments to ignore them is a shame and The height of foolishness your brokering your own future it will pay in the highest dividends in neglect These heroes serve and their spirits birth everything that Christmas stands for it’s not a winter break its A God taking a human body going to a cross like an unrecognizable piece of raw meat bloodied to the
Point you only know he is human because he has arms and legs and a head he came from a throne to Die alone only love held him not iron spikes it is true only by speaking every living being would have Turned to dust but he was dying to give life we were already dead in trespasses and sin his heart took on the Most cruel death devised by man and he truly didn’t count the cost he was looking directly into your Eyes and saw your helplessness as his filled with blood and slowly closed what took place the chains of Drug abuse Alcohol and the waste it creates *** and its many perversions was given back its purity our Friend found the Christmas spirit but he is the God man that enriches us beyound are ability to understand