What happened to the simple things ? What happened to love ? What happened to us human beings ? What happened to when you'd look at the sea you'd think of all the things we could be ? What happened to the poetry you used to see on the curl of the waves ?
Did the pure hearts shatter ? Did they break and scatter ? Where did our confidence go ?
Why is it that we reached the point of jumping off bridges and boats ? Why is it that we reached the point where our own words cause us to cough and choke ? What happened to life ? Who sharpened all these razor blades and knives ? Where did the respect and loyalty go ?
I'm screaming under the ocean waves from below. I hope someone hears me out there. And if they do I'd like to know the answers to these questions. I'd like to know before my soul leaves my body.
Before it wonders off. Before it goes. Before I become nothing but a corpse. Before I drift away above the tidal waves to the unknown* ~