I want people to know That we don't have to fight each other We don't have to fight ourselves That we don't have to suffer That it's possible for us all to live in peace We would rather justify war It seems like it's really hard for people To think of what life would be like If we weren't constantly at war Or fighting Or hating Or somehow condemning someone else Well it's those people who are causing the problems It's those people that need to be dealt with If it weren't for those people over there There wouldn't be any problems to begin with Do you see those people over there What right do they have to be here Taking up our space Taking up our land That's for us and us alone We have to get them before they get us We have to keep ourselves constantly ready Constantly waiting For someone to attack To destroy our way of life To upset the status quo That we have established today I think we need to be willing To change the status quo sometimes Because the status quo as it is Is just not working As long as we continue to feel hate And we feel like we need to be at war And we need to hurt other people To propagate the status quo We will never be able to live in peace And know what it means To live in a world without war