What is a happy ending but a conclusion to every fairy tale ever told... to block out reality.. to keep us hidden from a dark truth... What is a prince but a disguised man, posing as the perfect thing... a princess as the ideal lady for a father, a queen... the ideal woman for a man who seeks a wife... What is a fairy tale but the ideal fantasy for what we seek for in an escape from reality... why must it be an escape or just a fantasy... what has reality keeping our dreams from being out of reach... nothing... 'Work' they say.. how must one work for 'love'... a piece of desire, pleasure and an unidentifiable, undefinable kindness.. why must 'work' be the excuse we use to gain a glimpse of 'happiness' why can't anyone just simply be... 'happy'..
because lies and deceptions are what this terrible reality holds for us all.