she forgets a lot of things forgets to eat lunch forgets to zip up her uniform forgets to tie her shoes forgets to brush her hair forgets what page number she's on forgets what the color of her room is forgets the way to her house forgets the formulas in math forgets the terms in economics she forgets people's names and forgets the date she forgets the year she forgets anniversaries and sometimes forgets birthdays too forgets forgets forgets
she forgets to love herself and forgets that she's allowed to make mistakes she forgets that she's human she forgets that she's loved
but what she'll never forget is her best friend's favorite candy and her the sound of her sister's laugh she'll never forget the color of his eyes or what it feels like when he kisses her forehead she'll never forget her mother's hugs or her father's favorite color she might forget herself every now and then but she'd never forget them