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Jan 2016
I'm thinking about you, N. We're going to meet. Will we like one another straight off? I don't know. I hope so; I hope we do. I don't know what's going to happen. When I told my friends about you and they got excited for me. But I didn't tell them everything I know about you because they didn't ask me. But I think about your situation and I think we could get past it. Some people might tell me "Don't." "Go find someone else." I don't think I could do that. Unless it really doesn't work out between us. But when we talk; I send you a message. And the nervousness hits me after I send it. Then I'm shaking a little as I wait for you to reply. But after you reply I try to think of something else to say, and I'm suddenly hit with writer's block. That mixed with my nervousness about you isn't good for me at all. "Forget about her past and embrace her." a friend told me. And as I think about you, I'm willing to do that, N.

P.S. I wonder what you would say if I told you this.
Richard Javier Martinez
Written by
Richard Javier Martinez  35/M/Boise, Idaho
(35/M/Boise, Idaho)   
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