I been lookin I been lookin I been lookin.. ......for myself For myself for myself for myself A poor man am I In a world of wealth Wealth.......wealth I may be ...crazy But I've got my health.....health A penny for my thoughts Will get you change as well
Color blind....with an open mind Leads me into the grey..grey...grey Fog my mind as if l'm totally blind Watching the colors fade away
But I'm still lookin lookin lookin Looking at the future As the past slowly crumbles Echoing like the distant thunder Under a grey sky That always rumbles rumbles rumbles rumbles ruMBLES RUMBLES RUMBLES.......RUUUMMMMBBLLLEESS
Bought me a ticket on a subway train Took me a trip that circled around my brain Went right past the point Of being sane....so now I'm never never ever coming in from the rain Rain rain rain Rain falls down like everything will Will? will will will ? I lost my will When I fell from the hill
I should have just run down... ...run down--run down- r u n d o w n Just like any clock will Tick..Tick.. Tick Tock..Tock..Tock.....Tock Like any clock...will I lost my will ....when I fell ... ....from the hill.